Winter Wonderland

London, Natural history museum, trip, fashion blogger, shooting, darwing

This day was the best day in London.

We went to Natural history Museum in the morning and then we went to Winter Wonderland to meet Luna, a artist who I adore and lives and works in London
This is her web.

Este día disfruté como una niña pequeña.
Por la mañana fuimos a visitar el museo de historia natural de Londres y por la tarde quedamos en Winter Wonderland con Luna, una artista canaria y que vive y trabaja en Londres, adoro su trabajo!!
Aquí os dejo la web.

Iceland, Winter Wonderland, Christmas activities, yellow coat, fashion blogger, trip, london
Fashion blogger, london, winter wonderland, snow
Lights, Christmas, colorful, fashion blogger, trip, london,
Artist, London, Yellow Coat, meeting, dyer,
Winter Wonderland, Blogger, Trip, fun, cozy night
Winter Wonderland, London, Trip, Fashion Blogger,
London, Natural history museum, trip, fashion blogger, shooting, darwing
London, Natural history museum, trip, fashion blogger, shooting, darwing

– – – – – – – – – Photos by @carlostoun – – – – – – – – –


Priscila.Sweater – Jersey . Zara
Shirt – Camisa . ZaraKids (New Collection)
Jeans . True Religion
Sneakers . Superga
Coat . Topshop
Bag – Bolso . PG

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2 Comentarios

  • Responder
    6 septiembre, 2014 at 4:34 pm

    I love this outfit! However, I cannot find it on the Dutch Zara website, is there a link for the blue jersey?

    • Responder
      6 septiembre, 2014 at 7:58 pm

      Thanks Claudia!

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